How can you keep your feet fresh and lovely

If the cracks in the heels are deep, they can be painful, hurting when a person stands up, and they may sometimes bleed. People should see a doctor if they experience soreness, redness, swelling, or severe pain in any area of the foot for more than a few days.

Take a basin of warm water and add raw salt, eight to 10 drops of lemon juice, one tablespoon of glycerine, and one teaspoon of rosewater. Soak your feet for about 15-20 minutes in this water.

Using a pumice stone or a foot scrubber, scrub your heels and the sides of the feet. Mix one teaspoon of glycerine, one teaspoon of rosewater, and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the mixture on your cracked heels. Since this will be a sticky mixture, you can wear a pair of socks and leave it on overnight. Wash off with lukewarm water in the morning.

The acidic properties of lemon juice help to heal rough and dry skin, thus preventing cracking on the soles of the feet . Along with lemon’s acidic properties, the combination of rosewater and glycerin turns out to be an effective treatment for cracked heels. Glycerin softens the skin (which is why it is used in most of the cosmetic products) whereas rosewater has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that help in healing cracks

Lemon juice can cause irritation and dryness to your skin. Make sure you do a patch test to check for any allergic reactions.